Part of the Amusement Parks category, it is often called Challenge Course or Challenge Course. It consists of several routes: aerial or ground tests which, with the help of trunks, Tibetan bridges, ropes and walkways, make it possible to pass from one pole to another in extreme safety. Schools, work groups or friends can spend a day between recreational activities, educational experience and sports. You can challenge yourself, learn the mechanisms of group relationships, enjoy the adrenaline, or rest under a pergola. With a friendly and stimulating approach we allow several target like training needs (schools and companies) or spare-time needs (groups and parties).

The Adventure Park in short allows you to:

  • Increase work groups’ cohesion and facilitate them to achieving collective goals.

  • Reinforce the identification between personal and group goals.

  • Facilitate the creation of an identity for the school group or strengthen it when it exists.

  • Test the risk (risk taking) and its first management (risk management).

  • Facilitate the emotional management of change (change management).

  • Overcoming the limits imposed by prejudices or previous experiences.

  • Feed self-esteem.

  • Feed mutual trust.

  • Growing by having fun.

  • Reaching strong self-consciousness.

Twelve activities in height including: trapeze, mobile suspended wall, Trave, Giant swing, Tibetan bridge, Burmese bridge … Choose your challenge. At Evolution Camp the challenges are all made by choice, “Challenge by choice”. Participants, at any time, have the opportunity to choose a level of involvement. Bring with you courage and desire to have fun we will provide safety, experience and much encouragement to make you achieve unexpected successes.

I see and I forget. I heard and I remember. I do and I understand.

(Old chinese quote)


Useful to facilitate the creation of an identity for the school group or to strengthen it when it exists. Stimulate growth through the perception and the overcoming of the sense of personal limit.


Increase the cohesion of work groups and facilitate them in achieving collective goals.


Strengthen the identification between personal and group goals and foster mutual trust.


While you have fun and without realizing it you will increase self-esteem, trust between you and your friends and personal awareness. Combining business with pleasure … for an experience not to be forgotten!


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